Corsivia, “NOT ONLY OFFERS ecological products, it is a 360º ecological company”.
It follows an environmental code of conduct
- It implements the three “Rs” of environmental awareness: reduce, reuse and recycle.
-Efficient use of resources (energy, cardboard, plastic, …) without affecting the quality of our products.
-Waste separation and recycling.
-Reuse of materials. - It controls the use of products that harmful to the environment.
- It buys green energy, whenever possible.
- It prevents the spillage of any untreated waste water or chemicals.
- It reduces acoustic and atmospheric pollution.

It guarantees the supply of ecological products that have been ecocertified by international bodies with regular inspections carried out at the premises.
- Made of rosin, obtained from pine resin.
- The Green Dream targets do not contain Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.

- Made of synthetic resins.
- Los platos Eco Corsivia contienen <10ppm de Hidrocarburos Aromáticos Policíclicos.

It measures and offsets the carbon footprint generated by its production activity establishing specific procedures
Kohlenteerpech, das bei der Herstellung jeder Wurfscheibe ausgestoßen wird, im Vergleich mit täglichen Aktionen.
In terms of CO2, manufacturing and consuming 25 coal tar pitch targets is equivalent to…
- Obtaining 1.1 kg of rice.
- Consuming 165 grams of beef.
- Obtaining 1.3 kg of tomatoes.
- Drinking 3.64 small bottles of beer.
- Eating 1.3 hamburgers.
- Travelling 6 km in a diesel car.
- Travelling 5.29 km in a petrol car.
- Travelling 18 Km by bus.
- Leaving the computer on standby for a day and a half.
In terms of CO2, manufacturing and consuming 25 coal tar pitch targets is equivalent to…
- Obtaining 0.5 kg of rice.
- Consuming 88 grams of beef.
- Obtaining 0.7 kg of tomatoes.
- Drinking 2 small bottles of beer.
- Eating 2.5 hamburgers.
- Travelling 3.2 km in a diesel car.
- Travelling 2.81 km in a petrol car.
- Travelling 9.6 Km by bus.
- Leaving the computer on standby for 23 hours.
Produced by: IK Engineering, 2016 Source: Internal data: Fuente: information provided by the external data company: CML-IA baseline v4.2/ EU25 – Global warming (GWP100a) and CML-IA baseline v4.2/ EU25 Global warming (GWP100a) http://www.eco2greetings.com/carbonize.html

Amongst its suppliers it promotes environmentally responsible behaviour
Corsivia acts as a guiding force for its suppliers, obliging them to develop environmentally sustainable conduct as well.
Customer – supplier meetings are held every year to share information on procedures and possible improvements.

It works with customers to define environmentally responsible actions.
- Use of ecological targets and / or target collection.
- Advice on lead collection.
- Advice and help on selective separation and recycling of packaging.
- Collaboration to reduce the level of noise emitted by the shooting range activity.
- Planting trees to absorb the CO2 emitted (neutralising the carbon footprint).

We are a company committed to the quality of our products, which is why we have a strict quality control system for the raw materials, the production process and the end product. We offer various products made with materials that may be traditional raw materials or alternative raw materials.
This philosophy and hard work has led us to obtain ecological certifications and quality certifications such as:

The sustainability of these products and the declarations given have been certified by Bureau Veritas by confirming the compliance with the criteria included in the “ISO 14021 standard on ecological labels and self-declared environmental claims. Self-declared environmental claims (Ecological labelling type II)”.
These products also hold the Intertek certification, a prestigious and renowned laboratory that has tested the products to check there are no hazardous or toxic substances and a reduced level of PAHs.