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In defence of a fair economy

In defence of a fair economy

In the evenings, while I’m quietly having my dinner after a hectic day, I usually take a quick look at what is going on in the WhatsApp groups I belong to, using the time to have a nosy at some of the status details of my contacts.

A few days ago, one of my contacts posted a didactic photograph on his status listing the cost of each of the elements necessary to get started in clay target shooting.

The infographic I have copied here (sorry for not mentioning the author but I have not identified him) proposed an approximate investment of 20,400 euros without taking into account the cost of the clay targets.

  • Shotgun: 12,000 euros.
  • Glasses: 450 euros.
  • Ear defenders: 100 euros.
  • Jacket 120 euros.
  • Rest of the accessories: approximately 230 euros.

To reach the proposed 20,400 euros, 7,500 euros is included for cartridges, which amounts to 30,000 “shots”.

To use 30,000 cartridges at a rate of 1.5 cartridges for each target (which is more or less the ratio that any manufacturer has in mind), we can assume that this sportsperson will get through about 20,000 targets/year. This means, approximately 800 sets which would be, more or less, an extra 4,000 euros.

REALISTIC BUDGET, some thoughts on the matter

That day, by the time I got to my dessert, two thoughts had occurred to me:

First thought

Whoever created the infographic must have been thinking of an elite trap shooter.

For it to cost 20,400 euros he must have been thinking of top of the range brands:

  • Beretta DT11 shotgun, or Perazzi high tec or Blaser or Rizzini, even with a stock personalised by an expert gunstock manufacturer like Manuel Ricardo or Ceire.
  • First class cartridges, Star team EVO, Rio, Clever, Nobel, etc.
  • Accessories from brands such as Pillá, Peltor, Pierre Boutin, etc.
  • Clothing from top quality brands like CASTELLANI.

And, although it is true that these brands cost what they cost, it is not really necessary to spend such a large amount of money to start enjoying this sport. Buying a quality second-hand shotgun, such as a Miroku, Kemen, or even a Beretta 690, is more than enough to get started.

As for the rest of the accessories, there are several national and international gun shops and shopping centres capable of supplying elite products, but also more affordable brands. Several shops come to mind: Armería Percofan, The Gun Room, Decathlon, Frankonia, etc.

Second thought

The shooter must bear in mind that it is normal for shooting ranges to have to periodically update the price of a round of targets at the shooting range, even if it is only by 20 or 50 cents a year.

Very often I hear that owners of shooting ranges are “afraid” to increase the price of a round of targets. This has always surprised me, especially when I see they are working with such tight budgets, and even more so now we have an overall view of what this sport costs.

I actually think the shooter should be very grateful for the work (permits, licences, etc.) that shooting range managers and owners carry out on a daily basis so people can enjoy their favourite sport.

Let’s help to develop and grow the shooting ranges because if we don’t, we won’t have anywhere to go and enjoy our love of CLAY TARGET SHOOTING.